Jane Wattenberg is a cutting edge photo-collage illustrator as well as an accomplished writer. Check out her whimsical and innovative Henny Penny (Scholastic, 2000) and This is the Rain by Lois Schaefer (Greenwillow 2001). Her books, Mrs. Mustard's Baby Faces and Mrs. Mustard's Beastly Babies (accordion-style board books from Chronicle Books) have been selling for years. You can also find Jane's photo-collages on book jackets, most notably Make Lemonade (Holt), Thwonk, Under The Mermaid Angel (Bantam Doubleday Dell), Beetle & Me and Praying for A.L. (Greenwillow), Places I Never Meant to Be (paperback edition), Razzle, and Gingerbread.